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Year in Review: The Best of 2016

Copyright: pixelsaway / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: pixelsaway / 123RF Stock Photo

With another year behind us, we’d like to know what you liked best on the blog in 2016 and what you’d most like to see in the new year. Let us know in the comments!

Here are some of our top picks:

And here’s the rest of the 2016 lineup, filled with insights, humour and quick-reference tips:


The Editors’ Weekly is the official blog of Editors Canada. Contact us.


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À propos du rédacteur / de la rédactrice

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is a freelance technical editor, writer and consultant in Edmonton, Alberta. She was the managing editor of the Editors’ Weekly from 2013 to 2020.


6 Comments on “Year in Review: The Best of 2016”

  • Virginia Durksen


    Happy new year, Anna Williams. Thanks for sharing that list of 2016 blog posts. Even though I don’t always comment on the articles, I always read them. Every time.

    For me, the highlight of the year was your patient, thoughtful editing. I especially love that you know exactly where to push back and cut the words I didn’t need in the first place. It’s wonderful being edited by someone who knows how to edit just the right amount.

    • I’m flattered, Virginia! Thank you for being both a contributor and loyal reader. Happy new year to you, too!

  • Anita Jenkins


    Another wonderful year, Anna. Bravo, bravo. Since I gave quite a few of the contributors’ names to you so you could «solicit,» it would be conflict of interest to name a favorite. The diversity of the entries makes this a remarkable blog.

    • And thanks so much for your invaluable recommendations!

  • Margaret Shaw


    Hi, Anna, and thank you so much for sharing this list of all the 2016 blog posts. It’s wonderful to see the variety of posts and to witness the depth and breadth of experience, knowledge, and wisdom that they represent.

    • And here’s to many more!

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