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Anna Williams

Happy Holidays

 Copyright: elosa / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: elosa / 123RF Stock Photo

Dear Readers,

As the new year approaches, I’m embarking on my fourth year as the managing editor of the Editors’ Weekly. As always, my goal is to provide interesting, informative blog posts for your enjoyment, and this is only possible thanks to the people who graciously contribute their articles and the loyal subscribers who read them. Thank you to all of you!

Special thanks go to Nadia Aftab, who proofreads posts, publishes them via WordPress and posts social media.

We’ll be taking a short break for the holidays. Regular posts will resume on Jan. 10, 2017.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Anna Williams


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À propos du rédacteur / de la rédactrice

Anna Williams

Anna Williams is a freelance technical editor, writer and consultant in Edmonton, Alberta. She was the managing editor of the Editors’ Weekly from 2013 to 2020.


14 Comments on “Happy Holidays”

  • Claudine


    I really enjoy reading these posts. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    • So glad you enjoy them! Thanks, Claudine!

  • Wilf Popoff


    Have a nice holiday!

  • Anita Jenkins


    The Editors Weekly blog is terrific. We are lucky to have you at the helm, Anna.

    • Thank you, Anita!

  • Margaret F. Sadler


    Thank you, Anna! –for all the work you do to encourage writers and maintain a steady supply of appealing posts. Thanks, too, to Nadia, working quietly behind the scenes. Happy holidays!

  • MJ Turner


    Yes, thank you. And enjoy the holiday.

  • Rachel


    This is one of my favourite blogs! Thanks for everything you do. Happy Holidays!

    • Aw, that’s great to hear! Thanks for reading!

  • Naomi Pauls


    Sincere thanks for your efforts, Anna and Nadia. Somehow I have only recently discovered this blog, but find it’s very worthwhile reading. Happy New Year!

    • So happy you’ve found it! 🙂 Happy New Year to you, too.

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