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Lucy Payette

Letter From the Editor: Why You Might Want to Consider Contributing to The Editors’ Weekly

Illustration of a blog post on a background of clouds, surrounded by symbols of digital communication, including an email icon, a "like" icon, an idea light bulb, and a video play button.
Illustration of a blog post on a background of clouds, surrounded by symbols of digital communication, including an email icon, a "like" icon, an idea light bulb, and a video play button.
Copyright: liravega258

Dear readers,

These past two-plus years, I’ve kept good company with authors, publishing leaders, instructors and professors, new and established freelancers, linguistics experts, translators, in-house and niche editors and many more, and most of it during a pandemic. At a time when many were feeling disconnected, I was having weekly conversations with talented contributors and had some insight into the collective consciousness of editors. The connection has been serendipitous and worth all the while.

And now, it’s time for a change. I’m pleased to let you know that Beau Brock is the new managing editor of The Editor’s Weekly. The certification steering committee recently recognized him as a certified proofreader. Beau is based in Ottawa, and he’s a certified translator who is fluent in several languages. All that to say that you are in good hands and that he will offer a refreshing new direction for the blog.

Many thanks to you, readers, for subscribing and taking the time to comment on posts. Thanks to all the contributors I’ve worked with — the regulars, the one-timers, the guest bloggers and the mentors who shared their ideas and vision for the blog. It boosted my spirits to see your posts in my inbox. Special thanks to Laura Bontje, who has a skill for conscious editing and writing, attention to detail and patience. Laura will continue as proofreader and social media contributor for the blog.

In the professional world where work can be punishing and at times unforgiving, it helps to be part of an organization like Editors Canada that has high standards, but also a good measure of kindness and understanding. If you are a new editor, contributing to the blog is a great way to see editing in action and get published. If you’re an established editor or author, contributing to the blog is a great way to network, mentor and take part in the editing community. And as Gael Spivak explains in a post about volunteer work, experience is experience, whether you’ve been paid for it or not.

I’ve learned so much from you all. It’s been rewarding to be part of such a talented editorial team.


Previous post from Lucy Payette: January Is Mentoring Month: How Are We Doing?

The Editors’ Weekly is the official blog of Editors Canada. Contact us.


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À propos du rédacteur / de la rédactrice

Lucy Payette

Lucy Payette is a Senior Technical Editor at StandardAero in Winnipeg. She has worked for more than 20 years in corporate and digital communications for companies based in Toronto and Montreal.

10 Comments on “Letter From the Editor: Why You Might Want to Consider Contributing to The Editors’ Weekly”

  • Dear Lucy,

    You’ve done an amazing job as the managing editor and I will miss you in that role. I had such a very fine experience working with you when I submitted my blog posts. But I’m glad you will stay on as part of the Marcom team.

    Beau: I’m looking forward to reading many blog posts under your direction. Best of luck!

    • Lucy Payette


      Thanks for your kind words, Merel and for contributing to the blog. Happy to be part of your team!

  • Gael Spivak


    Thanks for being in this position, Lucy. I imagine it’s been pretty intense (so many deadlines). You’ve done a fabulous job.

    And, from a personal point of view, I want to say how great you’ve been to work with. You’ve been totally professional, as well as very understanding and supportive. You’ve also shown me what a good editor you are (being editing by another editor can be quite revealing!).

    I’m so glad you took on this challenge. It’s been great for Editors Canada and it sounds like you got a lot of benefit from it, too.

    • Lucy Payette


      My goodness, you made the deadlines easier, Gael! Thanks for all your many contributions and advice over the past two years and for your encouraging words.

  • Rosemary Shipton


    Thank you, Lucy, for your leadership as editor these last two years. I’ve enjoyed reading the posts you’ve nurtured and published, but I know that behind each one lies a mass of correspondence and encouragement from you. I hope you’ll look back on this experience as one of the highlights of your professional life.

    And now, Welcome to Beau …

    • Lucy Payette


      Many thanks to you Rosemary for all your contributions to the blog, for introducing me to other editors, and for inspiring so many of us!

  • Lucy, you have steered this blog with talent and aplomb and have been such a pleasure to work with. Thank you for your skills and patience. A warm welcome to Beau!

    • Lucy Payette


      Frances, it was an honour. Thanks for all your well-written posts and for starting the successful series, On Editing an Editor. Can’t wait to read what you write next!

  • Kate Merriman


    Dear Lucy,
    It is with considerable embarrassment (a still unfinished contribution) that I write to thank you for your excellent work on this blog, your patience, and your empathy. And I am particularly grateful for the experience of being edited by another editor. In my entirely freelance career, this has been rare.

    I wish you continued happiness and fulfillment in your profession.

    Beau, perhaps we can manage to complete this project.

  • Beau Brock


    First of all, I would like to say thank to you Lucy for all of her help in getting me ready to transition into this role. There are a lot of things to learn, but thanks to her guidance and advice, I feel ready to take on this new challenge.

    Second, thank you all for the kind welcome! I look forward to getting to know you all through this blog. I am coming to this from the translation side of the language industry, where the focus is always on comparison; I am excited to see things through another lens.

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