Lynne Melcombe
mars 15, 2022 by Lynne Melcombe | Un commentaire sur Ode to the ODE: Is a Listing in the Online Directory of Editors Worthwhile?
I’ve been a member of Editors Canada for, well, a minute or two. Over those minutes — okay, years — there have been times when I’ve had an Online Directory of Editors (ODE) listing and times when I haven’t. My rationale has varied. Sometimes I’ve had a listing because things were going well, and I […]
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Letitia Henville
septembre 7, 2021 by Letitia Henville | Un commentaire sur The Ethics of Online Portfolios: How Should Editors Showcase their Skills and Experience?
Editors work in quiet confidence: our job is to help writers to speak with clarity, accuracy and sometimes even flair. In so doing, our own voices are silent, and our perspectives unheard. The best copy edits are the ones a reader can’t see. Because of the editor’s invisibility, I’ve had folks tell me that online […]