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Beau Brock General EAC

Happy Holidays 2022

Illustration of red and green holiday ornaments, each with a picture of holly, hanging against a blue background with white polka dots.
Illustration of red and green holiday ornaments, each with a picture of holly, hanging against a blue background with white polka dots.
Copyright: studiobarcelona

Dear readers,

With winter officially upon us and the holiday season in full swing, the Editors’ Weekly blog will be taking a hiatus until Thursday, January 12.

Thank you to all of you who contributed posts to the blog this year. There were some really interesting topics, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading through them. I am already looking forward to what the new year will bring! As a reminder, if you have any ideas for a post (or even a series of posts), feel free to send us a message.

Special thanks to the amazing Laura Bontje, who proofreads and readies the posts for publication and handles the social media aspect.

I wish you all a very happy holiday season — see you in 2023!

Beau Brock


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